Monday, 12 January 2009

Just wanted to wish you a very Happy New Year and to thank you for your custom and interest in our Manx Loaghtan lamb and mutton in 2008. It is very much appreciated.

The big news is that we are on The Food Programme on Radio 4 Sunday 11th and today at 4.0 p.m. featuring the flock and the high quality of our lamb and mutton.
You can listen to it by going to the link on the BBC website
It will be available for the next seven days to 'Listen Again'

The big freeze is now thawing. It has been beautiful with white, shimmering trees and the pond completely frozen.

It has been so freezing and cold but wonderful once you are out there – I have grown muscles just trying to break the ice on the water troughs and pushing the wheelbarrow with the hay in over fields with frozen mole hills!! A real obstacle course as the wheelbarrow hits the frozen mole hill and then the hay flies out!

I am sorting batches of lambs again now that the weather is getting better so let me know if you would like to order anything. Our prices are still at the 2008 price and will be increased in the Spring. Any orders taken before end of Febuary will remain at the 2008 price.

There has been talk in the media about organic farming considering cutting down on the standards of feed due to the high cost of organic feed. If this was so the products would not be registered organic and would not be able to be registered with an organic body.

I want to confirm that we are totally and completely committed to organic standards and adhere to the rigorous organic standards of the Soil Association. We feed totally 100% organic feed, it is expensive but it is worth every penny.

We are now thinking about lambing which is in March but plans are being laid now and preparations being made.

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