Sunday, 23 November 2008

Christmas is coming!

The Autumn colours are so beautiful with the golden leaves on the oaks in the fields and the yellow of the hedgerows which are alive with birds bustling about. Squirrels have been much in evidence busy gathering apples and berries.

It has been a busy time here as usual, and most exciting as we have recorded a programme for the Food Programme with Sheila Dillon. I have always been an avid listener of the Food Programme and its presenter so we are really delighted to be on a programme featuring our organic Manx Loaghtan lamb and mutton, which I think goes out in January.

We have been busy having lamb and mutton delivered throughout the country and our last delivery goes out in the second week of December as everything gets so unpredictable nearer to Christmas. That means that our final orders need to be in with us within the next week to allow time for the traditional hanging of the lamb and mutton. We have a wonderful supply of the most beautiful honey coloured sheepskins in single and quad rugs, they make an attractive Christmas present, as does half a lamb of course!

The weather has made it difficult to get to some of the fields with the landrover and trailer so I am hoping for some dry weather to help save time. No luck so far, even had sleet today.

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